28 Nov 2023
Novi Sad, Serbia

Business seminar “Efficiency Monitoring System” at the INDAS company

On Thursday, November 23, 2023, starting at 10 a.m., we hosted a presentation titled “EMS – Smart Solutions for the Food and Beverage Industry.” The event took place in the spacious hall of INDAS company in Novi Sad.

During the presentation, our colleague, Bojan Svilokos, showcased the EMS solution developed using the COPA-DATA software tool. He also highlighted various projects where we successfully implemented this system. Following the EMS system presentation, Colleague Miroslav Peric presented three case studies, illustrating selected projects from our recent years of work.
We were delighted to have esteemed guests in attendance, representing diverse companies from the food and beverage industry across Serbia. Their active participation was evident as they engaged in the lecture, posing insightful questions to our colleagues.

Post-presentation, we extended the networking and camaraderie by sharing a meal at the premises of INDAS company.